Dr. Arthur T. Motta

233 Hallowell Bldg
University Park, PA 16802

(814) 865-0036


Pierre-Clement Simon was awarded first place at the 2018 edition of the Graduate Exhibition.


Enjoy his great video!

Every year since 1986, the Graduate School at Penn State celebrates research and creative scholarship by organizing a Graduate Exhibition. Graduate students from all fields were challenged to present their work in a way that would be understandable to a broad audience.

This year, more than 200 graduate students participated in the exhibition, and Pierre-Clement received an award for first place winner in the video category.

His award-winning video is available on youtube with the title: Improving the safety of nuclear energy - Graduate Exhibition PSU 2018. In only 150 seconds, he clearly presents the general context of his research, its results, and its potential implications in the fields of material science and nuclear safety.